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Uniform Night = Inspection

On Wednesday night we started the meeting with a uniform inspection. Most of us looked spick and span but sadly my whole patrol forgot * dramatic pause * BLACK SOCKS !!!!! Yes the leaders do check our socks so remember guys never ever come to an inspection night with pink or purple or white socks or in my case maroon tights ( I was at my cousin’s graduation don’t judge )

Check list for a perfect uniform :

  1. Badges in the right place

  2. Proper trousers

  3. Shirt tucked in

  4. Neat necker

  5. Proper woggle

  6. Black shoes /hiking boots

  7. Clean hands ( no writing on them )

  8. and last but not least BLACK SOCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We played a new teamwork game using a long rope and our mind . Sounds easy right? Well I forgot to mention that we were also blindfolded and we had to make shapes with the rope. We were all shouting at one another in a very un-teamwork type of way. However when we were given time to actually figure out what we were going to do, with the patrol leaders taking charge we were finally able to make a shape. It ended up being super easy once we knew what we were doing.

Later on we talked in our patrol corners about the next badge we were going to do and decided who was going to present their special interest to the patrol. We then got some badges such as paddling stage 1 /2 ,camping stage 2 and rowing stage 1/2.

We finished the meeting with are usual salute to the flag

We all had a great night. :-)

By Aoife Kenny ( PL of the Cobra Patrol )

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