Scouters Training Weekend

We can’t all be experts in everything straight away. We all need to do some training. Given that our group is a relatively new group and so many of our Scouters have not experienced life as a scout in their youth, they need to learn the skills of scouting themselves so that they can in turn pass them on to our Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts.
To that end we held our first ever Scouter Skills weekend this weekend in Larch Hill. Because Michelle was with us, the weather was damp to say the least. She’s such a bad luck charm when it comes to the weather.
We focused in on Camping skills of tent pitching, site location and different types of stoves for light weight camping. We also looked at packing and unpacking group and personal gear for activities. There was some tool work done with knives, axes and saws so make sure we all knew how to use them safely and demonstrate it too.
We looked at pioneering and how boundary ropes and a Gage help to make us aware that "this" is a scout camp site.

The best fun was had making rockets as part of the air badge and making friends with some fellow scouts from the UK who were in Larch Hill for the weekend too.
Our Scouters love to get out working on their skills as much as they can so that we can help our youth members to improve theirs and have a much more enjoyable time when they are on camps or activities with us, but also so that they can become more independent and teach younger members of their Patrol, Six, or Lodge.